Color Changing Egg Timer

Regular price $11.00
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This egg timer will take the guesswork out of boiling eggs! As the timer heats up, the red face changes color, indicating soft, medium, hard and stages in between, absorbing heat exactly as an egg does. The result is the perfect boiled egg! Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of a pan. Cover with at least an inch or two of room temperature water. Egg timer darkens as eggs cook. Calculates cooking stages precisely by temperature, not loosely by time. Adjusts to the number of eggs and level of water in the pan. Helpful tip: When done, remove pan immediately from the heat and rinse eggs in cold water, producing tender, not rubbery eggs and minimizes cracking. Handwashing recommended.

  • Red face changes color soft, medium, hard and stages in between
  • Readout in minutes and seconds
  • Handwashing recommended

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